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Monthly Practices
Links for All Livestreams




These streams are offered by us free of charge. However, if you find them valuable, please consider making an offering to the center. We are currently experiencing a shortfall in our operating account due to the pandemic, and deeply appreciate your support. Thank you!

Milarepa Thangka

Monthly practices follow the Tibetan Lunar calendar, and are held on lunar calendar days.

Held on the 10th day of the Tibetan lunar calendar

Guru Rinpoche Practice

​6:00pm - 8:00pm
Held on the 15th and 30th day of the Tibetan lunar calendar - new moon and full moon Phowa.

The Great Drikung Phowa

Practice for the departed.

Held on the 25th day of the Tibetan lunar calendar

Milarepa Guru Yoga & Tsok Puja



(All times are EST. Click Here to see how this translates into your time zone.)

May all mother sentient beings, boundless as the sky,

have happiness and the causes for happiness!

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The Drikung Meditation Center

29 Mohawk Street, Danvers, MA 01923

phone (339) 368 5740

​The Drikung Meditation Center is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit organization.

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