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Contact Us!


Our physical location remains closed due to COVID-19. We are live streaming practices and events and you are welcome to join us. Visit our Schedule Page to learn more. Thank you!

To Reach the Center By Phone:

(888)390 5580  or Local:  (339) 368 5740

Email the Drikung Meditation Center

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Email Lama Sonam Directly

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Submit Your Mantra Totals Here

Thanks for submitting your mantras. Totals are updated regularly on the Home page of this website. May all benefit!

May all mother sentient beings, boundless as the sky,

have happiness and the causes for happiness!

Drikung Meditation Center Logo

The Drikung Meditation Center

29 Mohawk Street, Danvers, MA 01923

phone (339) 368 5740

​The Drikung Meditation Center is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit organization.

Drikung Meditation Center Logo
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