Texts for DAILY Practices
Smoke Offering Practice
This text is offered as a free download through the kindness and courtesy of Tibetan Spirit.
Achi Practice and Dharma Protectors
Please Note: An empowerment is required in order to use these texts. If you have not received the empowerment, please email Lama Sonam from our Contact Us page.
He will help you.
The Protector Of The Holy Essence Of The Practice Lineages: The Serkyem Offering Of The Vajra Dharma Guardians Of The Drikungpa, Called ‘Bestowal Of Glory, Benefit And Happiness’
Prostrations to the 35 Buddhas Purification
Amitayus, White Tara and Nyamgyalma (Usnisa Vijaya)
Texts for MONTHLY Practices
Please Note: Monthly practices follow the Tibetan Lunar calendar, and are held on lunar calendar days.
Held on the 10th day of the Tibetan lunar calendar
Held on the 15th and 30th day of the Tibetan lunar calendar, new moon and full moon Phowa.
Held on the 25th day of the Tibetan lunar calendar
Held on the 15th and 30th day of the Tibetan lunar calendar, new moon and full moon Phowa.
Drikung Meditation Center Prayer Book
Published by the DMC, our prayer book is a compilation of opening, dedication and long life prayers from the Drikung Kagyu lineage. Also included are very short practices for various deities. The Venerable Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche (Khenchen before retirement from that position), our founder, translated many of them.
This is a free download. However please consider making a donation to the center of any amount that you wish. We are supported 100% by donations from individuals such as yourself who finds value in our mission, to bring the wellspring of Tibetan Buddhism here. Thank you and may all benefit!
Other Texts
Parnashawari Vanquisher of Disease
from the Collected Works of Kyobpa Jigten Sumgön
Verses in Praise of Mother Arya Parnashavarī who Eliminates All Diseases
Buddha Shakyamuni Practice
100 Million Mantra Green Tara Accumulation
The Regular Practice of Tara Called, The Source of All Activities
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His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche's